Saturday, July 14, 2012

Celebration of Life Service - Rev. Laurence Barber

Opening Words, Message & Closing Benediction
From:  Rev. Laurence Barber,
March 13, 2012,

Introductory words at the beginning of the service
I want to say to the Evans Family…as the rest of us here…we feel like family too!  We have always felt like family, as you have invited us so many times into your home and into your lives.  We are so grateful for that.  When I came to Uxbridge in 1974, I was as green as grass.  One who helped me very much was Laurence Evans and Olive too.  How many times did we sit up under that tree, and talk about…… the world, the church…what was right with the church, what was wrong with the church…this church too sometimes….what was motivating us in life and what our lives wanted to count for.  

We talked about our Lord.  Not only up under the tree, but sometimes after church, when I was exhausted…goodness knows what I said…but we would come and be ministered to in your home by your warm stove and your warm heart and embrace.  And we are so grateful for that and so we feel…many of us, all of us, I trust, as we have come together today we just want to offer you our comfort, our arms of support, our thoughts and our prayers.  You have given…we hope today, that you will receive from us, as channels of blessing.  Above all may we receive from the Scripture, from our faith, words of comfort and solace that Christ alone can bring, as we share together in these moments of tribute, celebration and worship and memory.  The Lord bless us all.

I can just hear or feel Laurence, chuckling!  Its time to eat really and he is probably thinking, I bet Laurie wondered what he was going to say and I bet now wondering what he is not going to say.  Jane and I want to offer our condolences too, to the Evans family and to say what a privilege it is to be here in this time of sorrow and celebration, this time of history and future and presence with you and with the Lord at this special hour.

…And bright hope for tomorrow, strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow….how can you say that at a time like this?  Well, we have heard many, many reasons already…for the faith that is in us, many of us, planted there like the sharing of the lights because of Laurence’s faith, his conviction, his stamina, his perseverance, this man of truth, this valiant man, this pilgrim.  How is it that Christians can talk about hope?  How is it that, that’s a healthy thing to do?  I mean…someone has died!  And we miss him, and there is a huge void where he was, and there will continue to be.  How can you say that you have bright hope for tomorrow? 

Three things…Laurence, I am going to say three things.  It is a Baptist thing to do….after all…Historically speaking!  Three things… that is that we have a sense as did Laurence, of our place in life, first of all, and we have a second…an appreciation of the persons in our life.  And then we have a deep sense of our mission, if you will or a third ‘P’ of our purpose in life.  If you want to be healthy, if you want to be full of hope, you have to have those things.  You have to know who you are and where you are in life.  And you have to have a deep sense of community and family and an appreciation for those that God has placed around you….even the people that drive you crazy!  The people that say no to you, rather then yes to you…are part of God’s direction in your life.  Have you noticed the Muppets…they are all weird…each one of those little characters.  Each of them has a character flaw.  Compulsive…for cookie Monster!  Whatever it is and we have to become aware that all of us including ourselves are full of strangeness-es and weirdness and idiosyncrasies.  Jim Henson had that ability…. and the Scriptures have that ability to say that God is not perplexed about the human condition, and that in each one of us there are those good things and those bad things and God brings together the sense of family and fellowship and community to have a sense of place of who we are, where we are in this context.

Did any man love this community more then Laurence.  Did any man do more in many very practical ways, as we have already heard today to serve the Lord, not just in some spiritual hymn singing way in church on Sunday.  His life counted, thank God it is Monday through the days of the week, and through neighbours he met and lived amongst and through strangers as we have heard, who came to share with him as well.
God is preparing, Jesus is preparing a place for us.  He is giving us a sense of place, of rootedness.  There is a sense in which we are more then citizens of this world; we are citizens of…as it says in Scriptures…of another place, of another city, of another realm.  And yet that realm is not far away, long ago or far off.  It is the kingdom realm of God’s intervention in human History.  And it is very near to is at the door.  It is very near at hand.  And God’s presence and God’s purposes are all around us today.  God who created the stuff of life, who created us also for himself brings together Heaven and Earth…we pray “Thy will be done...on earth as it is in Heaven”.  It is not that we are unearthly and not mindful of our neighbour and mindful of God’s good gifts of creation.  God made this world for himself and put us in it to tend it, to look after it and all of its creation…splendor, albeit so marred.  Jesus is gone to prepare a place for us that where He is there we may be also.  You know, many scholars believe that that is not the end game.  The end game is the city of God.  In fact the end is a new creation into which those of us, who trust in Jesus, have already become new creatures.  And so there is a sense in which scholars say that those rooms that Jesus spoke of, was really speaking in the context of a week of the feast of Tabernacles, of those temporary booths, tenting…camping…you went camping.  Jesus himself came, the word became flesh and dwelt…tabernacle...built a tent for a while among us.  And so it is where Laurence is today…and it is not purgatory…where Laurence is today…he is in the presence of Christ, with David Evans and celebrating together with all the family that have gone before, and all the members of Christ’s community.  That is not the end.  Because there is coming a day when this broken creation will become a new creation, when these frail bodies that are mortal, will be swallowed up in immortality.

Now my father was a farmer too…a market gardener.  We did not have animals…we had a big cat.  And he said to me one day…as he had some seeds in his hand…”here Laurie...taste these”.   They were radishes and I knew it.  But that seed…you wouldn’t sell in Loblaw’s or Longo’s.  You sell the finished fruit… the produce.  We shall know each other as we are known...but we’ll be quite different.  You heard of the two caterpillars together one day.  And a butterfly flew over and the one caterpillar said to the other…”You will never get me on one of those things!”   But the fact is you will!  And the fact is, says Scripture, that one day we will all be changed…in the twinkling of an eye.  And what is mortal and passing, broken, frail and sometimes sick and full of trial and problems will become immortal and all those things, as Pastor Phil read to us in Revelation will have passed away and we will be new.  Do you know your place in life?  Not just rooted in Uxbridge or wherever it is you live, are you rooted in God?  Are you rooted in the Scriptures?  Are you rooted in this creation in the sense of God’s good gift, looking forward to the new creation when all will be restored and precious as He comes to take us to be with himself?  And as beyond that He brings us back to be here together. 

The persons in our lives.  We have heard about this today.  I won’t go on and on about that.  It is not good, says the Scriptures, that we should be alone.  God creates help meets for us and marriage.  He gives us family, some of us…some of them bigger then others for some reason.  He puts us together in Christian family and community to encourage us…but above all, the greatest relationship we can have is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour and our Lord.  We Christians believe that in Him all things hold together.  That in Him, there is the fullness of the Father’s Glory.  That if you want to see God, we need to look at Jesus.  If you want to see who we should be in our full humanity, in our true humanity, look at Jesus.  He is the Man, the Model, the Saviour the One who came, sweeping down to gather us up…to put us back into the place, to the role, the purposes of God that he intends for each one of us and for all of us together as His children.

John Wesley on his death bed, said, “When I am gone, don’t speak so much about John Wesley, speak about my Saviour.”  I pray that today our thoughts will be drawn heavenward and to the Christ who was everything to Laurence…and I trust is to you as well.

The bright hope of the Creation, come to fruition in Jesus Christ.  The place where we are…The people in our lives…and the purpose that God has for us.  We Christians call it mission.  You can just say it is the reason to get up in the morning.  And if it is true that as new creatures…longing for a new creation, having a relationship with God…but also with the earth, we are made.  We enter into the dance of the Trinity into the relationship of God, the relationship with each other, the relationship that has been marred even with this world…or there wouldn’t need to be green peace and ecological gospel.  This is our Gospel, God loves this world…He doesn’t love the world of sin and rebellion, but the creation is God’s good gift, that He is restoring and one day it will be perfect and complete once again. 

It is never too late to get your vocation figured out…you are going to be doing it for eons.  Those of you who are farmers got a head start on those of us who are evangelists.  What would evangelists be doing?  I don’t know but there is a thread and a purpose of why God created each one of us.  And we just have a little bit of a glimpse of some of it, what God is doing in and through us.   You take away sin and you give to us true humanity in fullness in a restored creation…what will we be doing?  God only knows…through eternity.  It won’t be that we are disembodied…although one of the marks of the fall and rebelling is that for a while when we die, we are disembodied.  Says, Paul, …we are unclothed in the sense and we long to be clothed once more.  The whole earth is groaning, longing for the creation once more, for God’s restored purposes.  But when we are restored….You see Jesus is the first fruit of the dead.  He is the man who was God, the God-man who has been raised from the dead, the first that this has ever happened to.  He is the first fruits of those…of all of us…who will be raised from the dead.  He has already entered into the next stage.  And we shall be like him…and we shall be with Him and He with us.  Maybe God will say…here is a planet…knock your self out.

Maybe this black and blue and green planet is just like a seed in the whole universe that God is going to give us.  I don’t want to sound like one of those cults like new Armstrong or new world order….but the scripture is full of this new creation and we are new creatures.  Why do we have hope?  Why do we have strength for today?  God is with us...and has given us these many pure and precious promises as we look forward to that great day of His coming…of the unveiling and of the re-unification of all, with all who have gone on before to the bright country.

I think the same as may have happened that John Bunyan wrote about in Pilgrim’s Progress…and with this I am done.  “And after this it was noised abroad that Mr. Valiant-For-Truth was taken with a summons.  And when he understood it, he called for his friends and told them of it.  And then he said, “I am going to my father.  My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage and my courage and my skill to him that can get it.  My marks and my scars, I carry with me to be a witness for me that I have fought his battles who now will be my rewarder.”  And when the day that he must go hence was come, many accompanied him to the riverside in to which as he went, he said Death where is thy sting?  And as he went down deeper, he said Grave where is thy victory?  And so he crossed over and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side.”
Amen.  So be it!

After the congregational hymn, In Christ Alone, was sung, Rev. Barber closed the service with…
Words of faith and hope and courage, comfort in the Gospel
Now let us pray…
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all trials that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  And now the God of peace that brought again from the dead, our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. 

Celebration of Life Service - Rev. Phillip Brown

Words of Memory, Prayer and Scripture Reading
From: Rev.  Phillip Brown,
March 13th, 2012.

I believe it was an Irishman who said…”Before I speak, I would like to say a few words…!” and, before I read the scriptures…I would like to take just a moment to make a few personal comments.

First of all, I want to thank the Evans Family for the opportunity to share in this memorial service today.  I want you to know that I consider it a real privilege to do so.  Olive, … Ruth and I extend our sincere sympathy to you and to a your very large family in the passing of Laurence.  We don’t say the loss of Laurence…he is not lost…we know where he is.  He was greatly loved and he will be greatly missed.

It was my privilege to serve as pastor of this church for some six and a half years.  It began January 1981.  I‘d like to take just a moment to tell you, how I think that came about.   For seven years prior to that I was pastoring along with Ruth at the Port Colborne Baptist Church in the Niagara-Hamilton Association.  In my last year, I was appointed moderator in that Association of Baptist Churches.  The Assembly that year for the Baptist Convention of Ontario & Quebec, as it was then known, was to be held in Hamilton.  So as moderator, I was asked to bring words of greetings and welcome to the delegates that were assembled.  I didn’t know the Evans family at that time, but I am pretty sure that Laurence was there.  In fact, he was just finishing his term as President of our Convention.  I mention this because it was just shortly after that that the phone rang and I was asked to consider coming to Uxbridge to be the pastor. Well that process of course… I don’t need to tell you about all of that, but I feel quite deeply and so does Ruth that Laurence Evans had a lot to do with that phone call.   What resulted was a deepening relationship and friendship with Laurence and Olive and all the Evans family.  A friendship that we have appreciated very much.

We’ve heard a lot today from members of the family and there’s been a lot written already about Laurence’s life.  I want to take a different tact, if I may… not to be redundant.   I mean, Laurence was a very gifted man.   He was passionate about the Lord and the Lord’s work.  The one thing I appreciated about Laurence was his sense of history.  In fact Ruth and I coined a word for him and we kept it just to ourselves.  We called him Mr. Historical.  The reason was that, whenever we engaged in  conversation with Laurence he would  invariably start his response by saying….do you know what it is?...”Historically speaking….”.   He would then go on to give you this tremendous history of the particular item or topic.  I’ve been thankful that in every church I’ve pastored, I’ve had a man like Laurence, a historical person that when I had a funeral I could call and get the whole background.  Laurence had an amazing sense of history.  I think that this is one reason why he was often sought after to serve on committees and boards because he could process things very quickly, and I think Brian said that.  He could keep things in perspective!  Some people were intimidated by that, in fact.  There are many people today on committees and boards who say “Anything goes,,, well let’s just get on with the work.”  Often Laurence would stop you and say; “well, you know in document such and such, on page 4, paragraph 3 line 4….”, and he would begin to give you the sense of history of a decision that had been made.  I appreciated that about him.  Laurence’s ability and that of Olives’ enabled them to write a history of this Church.  

I think most of you would know this, if you’re from a generation back, maybe….three volumes that came out.  It goes back to 1857.  It’s well written and it was produced.  Also a constitution was put together by them.  Laurence’s sense of history led him to research the Evans family tree.  Now I was waiting for that to come up and it just came up in one statement that Brian made about I guess…Mary going to Wales.   That’s an interesting contact because you will know that the Reverend David Evans came over form Wales….the UK in the mid 1800’s.  He preached in Whitevale, Claremont, Uxbridge and this church was founded as a result of his ministry.  In fact when He passed away, so significant was his work that the leaders of our Baptist Convention came and conducted the funeral, right here in Uxbridge.

A few years back Laurence and Olive sent me some material.  Included was this letter that they had typed.   It’s signed by Laurence and it talks about Rev. David Evans coming to this area and then in his own handwriting at the end.  This is what Laurence wrote.  “He”, referring to the man, “is my great, great grandfather and I’m looking forward to meeting him.“   Friends, that reunion has already taken place.  Can you imagine that discussion?   “Great, Great Grandfather, Historically speaking, what was it like?  What was it like to come to Uxbridge in the mid 1800’s?”  Ha, Ha!   Well ….God Bless him.  Wonderful memories we all have.  May they be our strength and stay! 

Let us bow our heads and pray together.
“Heavenly Father, we come today as a family and as friends to celebrate the life and to honour the memory of Laurence Evans.  We thank you O Lord for his life and witness, for his deep love of family, for his contribution to the well-being and welfare of our community, our church and our larger Baptist family.  For all the memories, we thank you too, that hold him dear to each of us.  Grant, we pray, your abiding presence and comfort to those who grieve today.  O, Lord we ask that Olive and all of her family sense underneath and round about them the everlasting arms of their heavenly father.  And may the hope which is ours in Jesus Christ be our strength and stay.  Thank you, our Father, for sharing Laurence with us.  May something of his passion and love for the gospel message be carried by all of us so that others too, may come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  To this end, may we be faithful, through Jesus Christ we pray,  AMEN

I have been asked to read some Scripture,   I want to read … I think first of all from Psalm 1. I’m reading from the New King James Version.
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night.  He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. That brings forth its fruit in its season.  Whose leaf also shall not whither.  And whatsoever he does shall prosper. 

Then may I read these familiar words from John’s gospel, chapter 14. I’m sure they are familiar to all of you. 
And Jesus anticipating his own death says to his disciples.
“Let not your hearts be troubled.  If you believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions.  If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also.  And one of his disciples… doubting Thomas as we know him….says Lord we don’t know where you are going, how can we know the way?”   Then these Powerful words, “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, no man comes unto the father, but by me.”

And this passage from Revelation chapter 21 and 14
Part of this greater vision that John received…..  He said, “…and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.  Also, there was no more sea.  Then I, John, saw the Holy City , the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,  prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying.  Behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,   there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying.  And there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away”…... “Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me write…Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works shall follow them.”   
May God bless the reading of this His word.  AMEN